Wednesday 31 July 2019

Is Modelling Actually That Great?

Men and women models have different criteria but the women are put under more pressure. They try to be skinny and pretty and they may do this by starving themselves which is not good for their mental health in order to just be a model. 

5 Reasons Being a Model Sucks 
This video is about why being a model sucks. And there are more videos like this.

There is such a high criteria to be a model. For fashion models, the typical age is 16-21. Models can be younger than this, but many agencies will require models to be at least 16. Likewise, models can be older but agencies and clients tend to like their models looking younger and more youthful. Height is typically between 5’9″-6″, the bust is between 32″-36″, waist is between 22″-26″, and hips should be between 33″-35″.For catalogue modelling height is generally between 5’8″ and 5’11”, Bust 32″-35″, hips 33″-35″, and waist 22″-26″. 

For lingerie and bikini, height 5’7″-6′, bust 32″-35″ C cup, waist 22″-26″, and hips 33″-35″. A bikini model will be similar to a lingerie model but with slightly larger bust size.

Men are pretty straight forward. Height is typically between 5’11”- 6’2″ and men should be able to fit into a 40″- 42″ Regular Jacket. Men should be fit and lean without too much muscle. The goal should be to look ripped with your shirt off but lean in clothing. Males typically go from 20-25 years of age.

If you don't fit this then there is not a high chance for you, but lately there are more plus size models which is so good and proving you don't have to be skinny to be pretty. Because of this modelling is getting better body image wise. 


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