Wednesday 31 July 2019

How Snapchat Affects Our Mental Health

Image result for snapchat 

Snapchat is a fun and easy way to connect with people around the world by privately messaging or snapping photos or videos of things that you have done or things that are going on in the moment. This app is an easy way of communicating online with others and is the third most popular social media app in the US.

YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat are the most popular online platforms among teens 
As the years have gone by more and more people are using this app, even celebrities are. It definitely affects our lives fairly significantly. In the time that it has been out our generation has become so dependent on smart phones and the online world. We think with people sharing their world so much on videos and photos that they sometimes forget they are even in the moment. 

We rely on our smart devices to hold memories instead of living for the moment.  

Negative mental impacts from using Snapchat include things like Anxiety, Loneliness and Depression. Looking at carefully filtered pictures of other teens and tweens can also lead to eating disorders, fear of missing out and bullying.  

A recent survey by the Royal Society of Public Health and Young Health Movement of 1,500 people across the UK aged 14-24 found which social media they think impacts their mental health based on the 4 mental well-being issues ranging from anxiety, loneliness to community building and body shaming. Snapchat was one of the worst

Snapchat focuses heavily on photos, which can be difficult for teens and young adults dealing with self-esteem issues. Among those who suffered the most from Snapchat were teen girls, who are also one of the biggest user groups. One of the respondents from the survey said that photo sharing apps like Snapchat make it easy for girls to feel their bodies aren't good enough. 

This graph shows when people use social media...  

Image result for snapchat how effect our mental health 

You only live life once so don't spend all of your life social media!

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