How anonymous messaging makes bullying so easy?
In a lot of people's lives, at some point, they will come across bullying. Whether it is physical, mental or cyber. But recently there has been more access to anonymous messaging which allows people to say something behind a screen, without a face.
There is always a risk but the amount of cyber-bullying increases with anonymous messaging as you don't need to say it to the face of that person. Even in schools, students get nasty comments from other people.
We should make some noise about this. The
app Sarahah had 18 million downloads by 2017 but it was kicked off app stores
because of the amount of cyber-bullying and apparently, they steal your address
book on your phone too.
YOLO and Tellonym are newer anonymous messaging.
YOLO and Tellonym are newer anonymous messaging.
Yolo’s profile on the iOS app store says the anonymous comments are meant to gain “positive feedback” from followers and warns users they will lose their anonymous status and will be identified if they send nasty messages. It is unclear how they will be delivering on this promise.
Tellonym's profile on the iOS app store says Tellonym is a simple way to feel closer to your friends. Learn more about them, see what they're talking about and hear their honest opinions. This a review from someone:
These are results from 124 teenage girls:
Two responses were positive saying they have sent some positive messages or received all positive messages.
Eight responses were that they get positive and negative responses or friends have received nasty ones but they have not.
11 responses were that they or a friend have received nasty messaging, some even said that the friend attempted to take their life from all the shaming messages.
These are 3 of the messages that we had from teenage girls.

On the whole, those nasty comments are not all about you.... that person may have had a bad day, and is taking it out on you. You may have learnt, there are many reasons for bullying, so don't take it personally. You are who you are meant to be, don't take anything too seriously, just be yourself.These are 3 of the messages that we had from teenage girls.
One girl I know has been called all sorts of awful things on there and it's absolutely disgusting.
It was used a lot for bullying and generally being horrid. There were a few cute moments of crushes being confessed, but overall, it's nasty and people should not use it as an excuse to be held accountable.
I've sent positive messages to friends which made them happy.
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