Tuesday 4 September 2018

What teenagers told us about sending nudes

What teenagers told us about sending nudes

We have investigated some results from a survey we created. We sent the survey out to teenage girls to see what they thought/knew about sexting/sending nudes. We were really surprised with how many people opened up and were honest about the questions we asked. 

The first question we asked was:
Who do you think sends more nudes? Boys? or Girls?

The result in the end that we collected from this question was that boys sends more nudes than girls. 
66 girls chose boys as their answer and 34 girls chose girls as their answer. 

We went away and researched if boys really do send more nudes than girls and the results we got were yes! Boys do send more nudes than girls. 

The next question we asked was:
Why do you think people sext/send nudes?

We were pleased with all the different answers we got, so we made a tally graph!

Here are some more good examples of why you think people might sext/send nudes:

° To keep contact w/interest of other person, is promoted as 'normal, expected' by other members of community (ie. friends & internet)

° Because they are vulnerable and want to be loved. Or they feel pressured and or bullied into doing so or to feel like they fit in.

Some of these answers may relate to some people in some way if they have sent nudes or sexted before.

The next question we asked was:
What consequence do you think would affect people the most?

We wanted to see what consequence affected people the most if you sent nudes.

As you can see on the graph nudes getting spread around would affect people the most if they sent nudes or were to send nudes. 71% of people chose that as their answer.

parents finding out

Nudes gets spread around

People judging you

losing your job

Knowing that you can't trust the person you loved

Teachers or deans knowing about it


The next question we asked was:
What social media app do you think most people send nudes on?

Our answers for this one were pretty much all the same, the answer most people said was Snapchat. This is because you can easily just take a photo and send it! People think that it will just disappear after you send it.

The next question we asked was:
What would you do if you sent nudes and they spread?

So for this next question we wanted to ask people how they would deal with a situation if they sent nudes and they got spread? We did a poll and these were the results from them:

Go to the police

Tell your parents/family members

Run away

Move to a different school or place

Do nothing

Deny it was you

Talk to the person who spread them

Talk to a teacher or another adult you trust

Realize it was a mistake and move on


The very last thing we asked was:

Please share, anonymously, any sexting or nude stories that you know of so that others can learn from them.

We got so many different stories! We were surprised by some of them but so grateful that everyone was so honest and got stuff off their chests that they may not of wanted to talk to anyone else about. These stories may also relate to some other girls out there too. So it's good that people have shared their stories or other peoples stories.

Here are some stories that people have shared:

"I sent nudes (without my face) to my boyfriend when at the time we were in a consensual un toxic relationship, one of his friends went onto his phone and sent them to a group chat with five other guys, he asked them to delete the pics but they didn't, they ended up being spread further around. One guy I started to have a thing with asked for them and didn't tell me he had them, he said he would delete them but I don't know if he did and who knows who has them now."

"My friend sent nudes to this boy and was getting blackmailed".

"Friend sent nudes on Sunday evening. By p1 Monday half our year group had seen them or heard about it."

"A girl sent nudes of her boobs and they got spread around her friends and it was really awkward."

"Sent nudes, someone showed them, bad:/ "

"Some girl sent fake nudes to some guy and he spread them and everyone thought they were hers."

"A girl in our year sent nudes and ended up being sent around. She sent them to a boy she thought she could trust but obviously not, as they spread very quickly and lots of people even had them saved!"

"There was a girl who sent her boyfriend nudes when they went out. They broke up and it was all good they became friends. It wasn't until 3 years later that she found out that he had managed to screenshot them without the notification coming up and that he had shown other people at the time and sent it to one of his mates. This meant that even though she had sent him nudes 3 years ago, that people were just finding this out now."

Here is some advice we got from the survey:

"Don't send nudes on Snapchat."

"Don't send it, you'll regret it."

"Just don't. Its not worth the risk, if you want someone to see your bits invite them over and have some real fun without the risk."

"Don't get your face in it."

"Don’t do it, it’s not worth it."

"Just make sure you trust the person if you were to do so. Don't do it in the first place. You're beautiful."

Conclusion from us:
From reading these stories and reading the advice people have sent us, sending nudes isn't worth it! You're beautiful in every way and don't need to send nudes to get attention or to fit in because "fitting in" is not always good,  being on the outside is cool and unique and amazing. So be yourself and don't let others pressure you into doing things you don't want to do. Stand up for yourself. If you have sent nudes before you may or may not be regretting it depending on the situation, but if you do regret it just don't worry and move on, forget about it because people make mistakes and we promise you that in the end everything will be okay.  We also think that talking to someone you trust is important because there are so many people around you who will always have your back, you just have to trust them :) 

By Kassidy Gibbins and Codi Rutledge

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