Instagram has policies against Ccopyright breaches (posting content copied from the internet or from another account), nudity in photos (although things like cancer scars and breastfeeding are allowed), spamming (repeatedly commenting or contacting people or collecting followers or likes artificially), breaches of the law (no selling weapons or drugs through your account), asks that you respect other members of Instagram, do not glorify self-inflicted injury and that you be considerate of important news events.

The shutting down of an account is usually controlled by members of the public noticing and reporting content and accounts that could be offensive. Sometimes the content may offend you, as the viewer, but not a general audience. In this case, Instagram suggests that you block the account. This prohibits the account from contacting you or being able to find you the platform.

Stories of other accounts (not their own) being reported included: a lot of people reporting one account that was posting content that included a person abusing dogs, celebrities posting nude photos, and bullying. These were mainly from accounts that already have a high follower count and are possibly more confident in posting inappropriate content and that more people would notice if they did. Other stories came from people talking about friends or schoolmates who had been bullying others and ended up being reported.
In conclusion, It is relatively hard to have your account officially shut down by Instagram, unless you are doing something very bad. Being reported doesn't necessarily mean that your account will be shut down, it simply allows Instagram to have a look and check that you aren't doing anything against their terms and conditions. The main reasons that teenage girls report accounts are because of bullying or harassment. Most people tend to be fairly aware and careful with what they post themselves, as only three out of one hundred have ever been reported. Overall I think the system is pretty good, however, I know that there will be accounts that manage to slip through the cracks and stay on the platform.
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