Did you realize that all your personal profile
information is available right now to all your future employers and whoever
wants to search you up? It will be if you have not carefully set your privacy
Safe stalking and predator stalking
Safe stalking is very different to predatory
stalking as safe stalking is not involving any
harm. Safe stalking is when you maybe know
someone so you have a look through their page.
When hiring a person, employers often look
at your page to see if there's anything bad
or inappropriate on there.
It’s alright to click on
people's pages as long as it is not predatory. Predatory is another

Did u know?
The amount of stalkers will blow your mind away as there are more out there than people think. Facebook is the top site for stalkers to approach you on. On facebook up to 16% of users every year are stalked by predators. According to the National centre for victims of crime 1,006,970 women and 370,000 men are stalked per year throughout the United States. Two out of three women on facebook are victims of stalking by their current partner. The amount of stalkers is rapidly increasing per year as technology expands.
On average people are safe stalked by their friends
a lot. Up to 16% of friends stalk you per day! Do you know that almost 90% of
active users log into facebook just to safe stalk others?
What to do when being stalked?
Sometimes teens have no clue what to do when being stalked and they freak out and do the wrong thing. If you are being stalked by someone you don't know it can be very scary. The best thing to do is
to stay calm and tell someone you trust eg family

When out and about and you know you
have a stalker on your case it's always good to be with others you trust. Keep all doors and windows locked if the case is serious. If being stalked not
just on social media but outside always change your routine as the stalker might know when and where you are heading. But always remember when being
stalked stay calm and tell someone.
By Emily D
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