Relationships on Social Media
Social Media isn't always the best way to communicate. Things can escalate really quickly.
Sometimes when talking to friends or anyone online it is easy to fall out especially when we have the disadvantage of only seeing their words in text rather than hearing them and seeing the expressions on their faces. It is very easy to type out a hurtful message and hit send without really considering the meaning or consequences of your words.
Things to remember when communicating online....
Don't send anything rude or hurtful to people online
Remember people can only see your words, they can not hear them or see your expressions. Screen shots can easily be taken and sent around and before you know it a small little issue has turned into a massive one, involving a lot more people than necessary.
Remember people can only see your words, they can not hear them or see your expressions. Screen shots can easily be taken and sent around and before you know it a small little issue has turned into a massive one, involving a lot more people than necessary.
Don’t let social media interrupt your time when you are with your friends!
I am sure many of you have experienced a time when you are all together as friends but rather than talking to one another you are texting someone else! Value the time you are with people.
Whatever you say online leaves a footprint
In heated arguments it is easy enough to throw the odd comment about like ' kill yourself' 'I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DIE!' However these comments are taken very very seriously and can easily be taken to court. You may not have meant to literally 'go and kill yourself' however the words are still there and are taken very seriously by the police. The words are damaging and hurtful to the victim and little does the person know whether you are actually being serious or not.
Good relationships on social media/ positives
Social media can be great!
It is a great gate-way into meeting new people easily and without those first time slightly awkward face to face conversations which I'm sure we have all experienced.
Social media is a great way of keeping in contact with friends and family especially when you can't always be together.
When used in a positive way social media can strengthen relationships and help create new relationships! It allows you to communicate with loved ones when you can't always be together due to work/ school and it enables long distance relationships to actually work!
Social media has BILLIONS of people using it all of whom are either girls, boys, women, men of all different ethnicities, religions, colours, races, shapes and sizes. There is someone for everyone; you just need to find your special someone! Social media is the perfect window for doing so!

Bad relationships on social media/ negatives
Social media can put a lot of extra stress on relationships. When dating in today's Instagram-Facebook-Twitter-addicted world, you have to be aware of how social media can affect your relationship. With all of the privacy of social media, it's sometimes impossible not to think about the fact that your significant other might be inappropriately liking someone else's photos on Instagram or sending them DMs on Twitter. It's a lot to stress about, especially if you're in a new relationship or have been cheated on in the past. Odds are, whether you'd like to admit it or not, if you're dating someone, you've thought about their social media habits before. Maybe you will get lucky and neither you or your partner will have a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, but the likelihood of that happening is rare.
Human beings need people and need to socialise as it is a part of being human. No one likes to be lonely. Social media is a great way of finding unlimited amounts of people easily and quickly to talk, chat and stalk. Unfortunately as social media grows people are becoming more and more addicted to it and are replacing their real life connections for virtual ones, spending less time with their friends, family and people around them. Look at this picture below, I bet every single one of you have seen multiple scenarios such as this...